This week is birth trauma awareness week in Plymouth for 2019, with the fantastic charity Birth Trauma Association heading up the awareness week.
So what is birth trauma?
When you are expecting a baby you dream of the perfect birth, whether that be in hospital or at home. It is so exciting to plan for the future with your new baby.

Sometimes these dreams do not play out and you go through a difficult experience during your birth. Maybe you had reduced movements and you needed to be induced? Or maybe you suffered from pre eclampsia? Or maybe you had a difficult birth which lead to an emergency c-section?

Whatever form your birth trauma may take you may be left feeling disappointed and depressed. Or maybe you have a friend who experienced a difficult birth? Feelings of anger and a difficulty to connect with your new baby can all be symptoms of PTSD as a result of your experience.

What does Birth Trauma week mean for me?
I was someone who pictured having a calm water birth in hospital with my eldest daughter back in 2016. Sadly after attending hospital due to chest pains and blurred vision I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and a blood clot. My labour did not progress and I ended up having an emergency c-section under general anaesthetic. It couldn’t be further away from my birth dreams!
I coped with the disappointment and sense of guilt surrounding the first weeks of my daughters life. Whilst I did not suffer from PTSD I was terrified about going to hospital to give birth to my second daughter. I suffered from an Irritable Uterus which my consultant now believes could be a result of the stress and fear I was experiencing regarding my previous labour.
If you are pregnant – I haven’t shared my story to scare you! I promise!
But rather I have shared in the hope that if you have or in the future experience birth trauma that you can feel confident enough to share your experience. Seek help if you need it early.

What is the point of birth trauma awareness week in Plymouth?
Birth Trauma Awareness week in Plymouth is to help raise awareness around difficult births and to help women or partners who are experiencing PTSD as a result.
The current statistics in the UK show that approximately 30,000 women experience birth trauma within the UK. This is a HUGE amount of women affected and they need our support in Plymouth!

How can I help in Plymouth?
Are you an adult reading who has been affected by birth trauma? Donate to the great BTA cause here! Or perhaps you need some extra support? Please do get in touch with BTA. They are there to help.
Are you interested in booking in for a studio newborn session in Plymouth? I would love to hear from you!