I love having little people in the Plymouth studio and doing a pink bunny little sitter session for Evie was SO much fun! She was such a little star!

I have a wide selection of different outfits for Little Sitter sessions. These photo shoots are perfect for children between 6 – 10 months who can sit up confidently. Read more about my Little Sitter Studio Sessions in Plymouth here!

Little sitter sessions are full of giggles!

Evie had such big beautiful eyes! Isn’t she gorgeous?!

Photo studio shoots take place in my home studio in Plymouth. It is a perfect environment for little people to explore!

I like to keep my setup very simple when I photograph your little person. This is so we can focus on all of their gorgeous features.

If you have any colour preferences for your shoot please let me know by filling in my bespoke studio session plan. This helps me plan your special session ahead of time.

We love bubbles in the studio! Bubble blowing is a job for Mums and Dads and is a great way to get parents involved in the shoot.

Did you like Evie’s pink bunny sitter session theme? Have you got a special little person in your life who needs some portraits? Please do get in touch with me or check out my Facebook page! I am also on Instagram and Twitter if you wanted to follow me!