With such a fantastic name like Jonah I couldn’t resist finding a whale to add to his Jonah and the whale themed gallery! His Mummy attends the local methodist church in Plymouth and I knew how much she would love the surprise whale in his gallery!

Jonah had so many gorgeous tufts of hair! I think he is going to be a red head like his stunning Mummy?!

In the studio I have a range of props and outfits that you can choose to use during your session. Want something super special that you haven’t seen before? Drop me a message ahead of your session and I always do my best to source extra special props.

All newborn sessions are bespoke and are designed around you and your family. I ask all clients to complete a bespoke studio planning guide ahead of the session to help plan a really special session for you and your family.
If you like my work please do get in touch with me or check out my Facebook page!
Emily Munday Photography