Our naughty Elf is back for 2019! I thought you might enjoy our Elf on the Shelf inspiration for 2019. Hopefully it will inspire you to get creative with your naughty Elf too and keep your little ones out of mischief over Christmas in Plymouth!
Day 1: Our naughty Elf has arrived in Plymouth!

Day 2: Our naughty Elf has found some snow for our girls to play with!

Day 3: Our naughty Elf has jumped ahead on the advent calendar!

Day 4: Our naughty Elf has made some fruit bowl friends!

Day 5: Our naughty Elf has started on the Christmas snacks early!!

Day 6: Thank you so much for all of your Christmas orders this year! Our naughty Elf stole the bubble wrap and made a HUGE mess! Lots of fun popping bubbles this morning with my two little girls!

Day 7: Moustache time!

Day 8: Choo Choo Train!

Day 9: Our naughty Elf has made a snow Igloo with loo roll! Cheeky! And bonus we won’t need to buy toilet roll for a while!

Day 10: This one caused a lot of upset this morning! Oops! The naughty Elf has hidden the tree! My girls would like it removed asap! They really didn’t like this one and naughty Elf has been sat on the naughty step!

Day 11: Coming Soon!
I hope you have enjoyed our Elf on the Shelf inspiration for 2019! Really looking forward to posting more inspiration again in 2020! Merry Christmas!