Working with newborns is a job that I absolutely love doing and it is such an honour every time a new precious bundle is brought to me. BUT newborn safety always has to come first!

The most important thing during your newborn session is to ensure that your precious baby is kept safe at all times.
I want to share a few little things that I focus on during all of my sessions to ensure that we can capture some beautiful photos whilst also making sure that your baby is taken extra special care of.

In all of my galleries I include several photos that I composite together to create beautiful pieces of art with your little newborn. All photos that are captured in a prop are composited together after the session to ensure that you baby is always comfortable during your session and left to sleep for as long as they need.

The best time to photograph newborns is within the first 5-21 days of age. At this age their bones have not strengthened and they are still so fragile. In shots where they are on a prop appearing to hold themselves up I always use an assistant or a parent to help capture the photograph. I take a selection of photos that I Photoshop together after the session to get the desired look.

I prefer to use a parent to help during the session as newborns are so sensitive and prefer the smell of Mummy or Daddy. If, of course, this won’t work out for your session I will arrange for an assistant photographer to join us.

So when you bring your baby to visit me I want you to feel confident that safety always comes first during your newborn session. Hopefully this little blog post from one of my sessions can help highlight how I will take care of your precious bundle when they come for their newborn session. Please do keep an eye out on my other Blog posts to see my more recent studio work!

Emily Munday Photography